Video Client 3 Service Release 1 (October 2013) Release Notes ========================================================================== New Features ============ + browse individual images if more than one image has been grabbed/loaded (image sequence) - to reset back to average image: - one can click in the center (image number display) - one can use decrease image number button + on grabbing images, background (applies to GrabAndSave, too), if there are missing frames (frame drops), a detailed list will be shown to the user and one can control, whether to use the data, discard it or repeat the action + on unsuccessful GrabAndSave actions, the file name is kept and will be put to File choose dialog on next GrabAndSave attempt (file name can be reused) + added event number of video image to list of online daq properties (csv file) - Zoom Panel + decorations can be shown (mouse cross, cross that shows spot size and center, ...) + follow-mode - move mouse in main window and the displayed area on zoom panel follows (use SHIFT key or checkbox on toolbar of zoom panel) - Histogram Panel + it is possible to cut lowest and/or highest index (improve histogram for over/underexposed images) + histogram is clipped to the values that are used in the image (e.g. if for 12 bit values 0..1000 are not used at all, they are shown as not used (split x axis)) + when saving images, if additional information is requested by the user, video system 3 image header fields are written in human readable ASCII text to $image_filename.txt file + one can drag and drop images and backgrounds from explorer window to video client 3 window (they will be loaded then) + on toolbar it is displayed whether background is set or empty + background image can be saved as .bkc file + if all list entries in Live Image Source combo box on main application window contain the same context (e.g. /PITZ/), the context is removed on display (removal of redundant information), full TINE address is shown on status line instead - Side Panel + shows Image Source Name (for image(s) loaded from disk filename is shown) and Image Source ID of image in Video Client's internal buffer - False Colour Table Panel + set fixed colour bar width + add segmentation (delimiter in between each discrete pixel intensity value) + show color value for each intensity value by mouse over (Pixel Index: 32, Colour: [ ], RGB Triplet: R 0.000 G 0.000 B 0.984) + Tine Video Server Address panel - one is able to enter, check and activate an individual video source address - Snap Image + button is back on toolbar + in Image menu, Snap Image is available as a menu item + idle timer - if polling without user interaction for more than 2 hours (configurable), polling will be switched off after a grace period (showing a warning dialog for 30 seconds) - xml config: + on additional properties and online daq properties, it is possible to use values for friendly name and friendly unit from server (obtain .DESC and .EGU from server); not very helpful right now but if server supports it, one do not need to reproduce good friendly name for property's value and unit Fixes ===== - major rewrite of drawing of video images and decorations, drawing should be (except zoom factor) identical for Zoom Panel and main drawing panel - changed handling of panel windows - z order of windows on desktop (now much more like it is expected by user) - improved responsiveness: if poll mode (live video) is enabled, also if video update rate is slow drawing is now performed in regular intervals and not just when a new video image has arrived - fixed bug when loading IMM file (pre-SR1, Jan 15, 2013) - normalisation is not applied if image consist of all pixels of the same value (avoids flickering on live video; generally speaking pure white will stay pure white and will not be changed to pure black) - before printing of whole application window, all panels which are not minimized are automatically minimized and will be unminimized after- wards - the application no longer quits if user presses ALT-F4 on some panel, the panel is closed instead (like it is in general expected) - wrong tab stops on dialogs have been corrected - TINE protocol transfer latency vs. robustness tradeoff parameters tuned for grab vs. poll mode (SetCientRecvQueueDepth() ) - signalling and updating of contents of Live Image Source combo box on toolbar was broken in some cases - more robust switching from online to offline mode and vice versa Cosmetic Changes ================ - Sum Of Pixels now shows zero (0.0) if all pixels contain lowest possible value (0), not one (1.0) like before - if scale factor is not set, and RMS values on toolbar are shown with unit 'px' instead of 'mm' - Polled/Dropped frames moved from Side Panel to status bar (bottom right of main window) - proper handling of scroll bars (zoom panel, false colour table panel) - when loading .bkc file, dialog which asks user to choose envelope or average mode to create single background image is only shown if bkc file contains more than one image - CTRL-C removed as shortcut for clear background (because CTRL-C is widely used for copy on cut/copy/paste actions) - if panel(s) are open and user clicks on x on top right corner or presses ALT-F4 on main application window, user is asked for confirmation whether one wants to close the whole application - added display of bits per pixel to file preview dialog - added proper leading zero handling when saving .bmp files - dropped frames counting and display is disabled if no scheduled property is used for getting the video - added automatic build number, date of build and visual studio target to about dialog