SYNOPSIS: [a, h, n] = avine_load_video_images_from_file( string filename_and_path, int verbose=0); RETURN-VALUES: a - cell of matrices with the image(s) h - cell of strings containing headers of each of the image(s) n - number of images returned PARAMETERS (M-mandatory O-optional): M filename_and_path - filename (may contain path) to the file which shall be loaded in (.imc2, .bkc2, .imc, .bkc, .imm, .bkg) O verbose - 0: (default) no verbose output 1: verbose output (some debug-like printfs) may be added REMARKS: It is possible to load in .imc2, .bkc2, .imc, .bkc, .imm and .bkg files. Color images (RGB24) are supported via .imc2/.bkc2 format. The headers (metadata) returned differ based on the file format loaded in (extensive header for .imc2/.bkc2, minimal header otherwise). EXAMPLES [a, h, n] = avine_load_video_images_from_file( 'xray.imm' ); imagesc( a{1} ); [a, h] = avine_tine_read_images( 'xray-10images.imc', 1); imagesc(a{1}); imagesc(a{2}); ... imagesc(a{10}); SW July 2023