[a, h] = avine_tine_read_images( string tineAddress, int numImages=1, int sequenceIndicator=0, int unlockLimitation=0, int tineAccessRate=1000, string tineAccessModes='TIMER|SYNCNOTIFY|CONNECT', int verbose=0 ); return-values: a - cell of matrices with the image(s) h - cell of strings containing headers of each of the image(s) contains timestamp and so on... parameters (M-mandatory O-optional): M tineAddress - address of TINE IMAGE type property, e.g. the following string is fine: "(/Context/)Servername/Devicename[Propertyname]" O numImages - number of Images one wants to get (1..100, default:1) O sequenceIndicator - some arbitrary images coming from some TINE address may be not exactly wanted, so the 'bunch' can be checked to fulfil certain constraints 0: (default) (aka SAME_IMAGESOURCE) all images come from the same source, there can be gaps in frame number (i.e. dropped frames) 1: (aka SAME_IMAGESOURCE_ONEBYONE) all images come from the same source and there are no gaps in frame number 2: (aka NO_SEQUENCE) just arbitrary images is fine, images can be from multiple sources, for gapless frame numbers no check is performed O unlockLimitation - adjustment to bounds is removed (e.g. you can get more than 100 images at once) 0: (default) do safety bounds checking and adjust if necessary 1: yes, unlock limitation O tineAccessRate - tine Access Rate (also called polling interval) in milliseconds: 300..4000, default: 1000 ms - helpful for example, if one is asking for a single frame via slow network connection, is to use the following combination of parameters: TINE Property Name='Frame', tineAccessRate=4000 O tineAcessModes - the transport method how to access tine property - must have one of the supported base modes (TIMER, EVENT) - may have one or more of the supported mode modifiers (CONNECT, MCAST, NETWORK, SYNCNOTIFY, STREAM) O verbose - 0: (default) no verbose output 1: verbose output (some debug-like printfs) may be added EXAMPLES % gets a single image as fast as possible [a, h] = avine_tine_read_images( '/PITZ/FG1S.Prosilica/Output[Frame.Sched]'); imagesc(a{1}); % gets a sequence of 10 images as fast as possible [a, h] = avine_tine_read_images( '/PITZ/FG1S.Prosilica/Output[Frame.Sched]', 10); imagesc(a{1}); imagesc(a{2}); ... imagesc(a{10}); % gets one single image in a more relaxed manner (slow connection, takes less resources on server) [a, h] = avine_tine_read_images( '/PITZ/FG1S.Prosilica/Output[Frame]', 1, 0, 0, 4000, 'TIMER|CONNECT', 1); imagesc(a{1}); % gets 10 images in a relaxed manner (slow connection, takes less resources on server) [a, h] = avine_tine_read_images( '/PITZ/FG1S.Prosilica/Output[Frame]', 10, 0, 0, 1000, 'TIMER|CONNECT'); imagesc(a{1}); SW Apr 26, 2013