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AVINE Video System

TINE Property Interface of SGP

Any SGP component provides 5 TINE devices: 'Server', 'Source', 'ImageAdjustments', 'Output' and 'SSC'. In the following, any property below these 5 devices is described in detail. Layer-type servers contain similar devices 'Server', 'Source'. Property layouy may be different, though. But in general the property layout for these devices is comparable across SGP and Layer-type of component.

Table of Contents

Property Interface of TINE-device 'Server'

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
AliveSince out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 string showing last startup date and time of SGP  
LastSwitchResult out 300 TEXT (any string)1, also accepts INT32 human readable string showing result of last switching from current to new image source OR general meaning of string encoded into an integer

Integer Code String3
0 switching of input is currently ongoing
1 switching of input successfully completed
-1 switching of input failed
-2 switching of input failed but server will keep running, because it's configured to do so
LastSwitchTime out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 human readable string showing the timestamp when last switching attempt occured  
Layers out n NAME64 returns array of strings showing names of all layers which can be connected to this SGP, needs syslist.xml file. If the TINE client asks for less than N elements, as much elements as the client asks for are returned. 526: error looking up Layers
Name out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 returns name of SGP instance  
ReloadCameraportsXML in/out in: 1 INT32, out: 1 INT32 (also possible: any string)1 if the correct magic number2 is passed as input, the cameraports.xml file is tried to be reloaded. This avoids unnecessary step of stopping server if something was changed at cameraports.xml file. Changes to cameraports.xml will be automatically put into effect. In case of non successful return, old cameraports.xml that was already loaded to memory of SGP server will be continued to use.

Integer Code String
0 Reloading successfully finished.
1 Error on loading cameraports.xml. See Logfile.
2 Error on validation of cameraports.xml. See Logfile.
515: error: wrong bad magic passed
Sources out n NAME64I or n NAME64 returns array of strings showing names of all image sources (Name and ID as NAME64I or just Name as NAME64 data type) which can be connected to this SGP, needs syslist.xml file. If the TINE client asks for less than N elements, as much elements as the client asks for are returned. 526: error looking up image sources
SourcesType out NAME64 (any string)1 or INT32 returns which type the input source is

Code String
0 ImageSource
1 InputSource

For SGP-type of component, input source is always 0/'ImageSource'. For Layer-type of component, input source is always 1/'InputSource'.

Status out INT32 or any string1 returns code or string in which condition the server is currently

Integer Code Recommended Colour for Code String
0 Red Reinitialization failed.
1 Green Everything is fine.
2 Green/Yellow Some internal warning.
3 Blue Currently no image source connected.
4 Orange Camera temporarily disconnected.
5 Yellow Many warnings happened
Type out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 or INT32 returns code or string in which type of SGP this is

Integer Code String
1 PCVision (deprecated)
2 ProsilicaGigE
3 NI_IMAQ_PCI (deprecated)
4 DirectShow
5 AnimationPlayback
6 JaiPulnixGigE
7 LabVIEWToVSv3 (deprecated)
8 pleora-ebus
Version out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 string showing type, version no and build date of server binary, e.g. "SGP PCVision 0.9 beta (b230(Release) - Jun 24, 2011)"  

1 possible are data types CF_TEXT, CF_NAME8, CF_NAME16, CF_NAME32, CF_NAME48, CF_NAME64, longer text may be cutted automatically to fit datatype constraints
2 the magic is INT32 1
3 the returned string does not exactly look like this

Property Interface of TINE-device 'Source'

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
AvailableSince out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 returns a human readable string since when the current image source is already connected to this server. e.g. 'available since 16.08.2011 11:56:50'  
FrameRate out 1 FLOAT or DOUBLE shows the current number of frames per second the server is detecting, average value based on number of frames that were received from input device in the last 5 seconds  
ID out 1 INT32 shows the unique ID (0..99999999) of the current input device, e.g. 120 (ID=0 means no input device is currently connected)  
InputName out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 returns 'Name' string of the current input device, e.g. "Low.Scr3"  
Name out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 returns the name of the current input device, e.g. "Low.Scr3"  
Status out INT32 or any string1 returns code or string in which condition the input device currently is

Integer Code Recommended Colour for Code String
0 Red Reinitialization failed.
1 Green Everything is fine.
2 Yellow New frames are not coming in.
3 Blue Currently no image source connected.
4 Orange Camera temporarily disconnected.
5 Green Source transmission paused.4
Switch in/out in: 1 NAME64 (any string)1
out: INT32
switch to some new image source, its name is passed as input parameter, possible source name may2 be seen at TINE-device 'Server', property 'Sources'. In case return code is 513 (success), return value will be a transaction ID, which can be passed later on to property 'SwitchResult' to obtain information about result of the switching attempt.
513: OK. Name accepted. Switching will be tried. Server will be restarted for this.
525: Failed. Name was not accepted.
SwitchIfNotAlready in/out in: 1 NAME64 (any string)1
out: INT32
works the same way as 'Switch' property, except if the image source name is currently already active on this SGP, switching will not be performed at all. 0: OK. Image source/input device was already set. Switching was cancelled.
513: OK. Name accepted. Switching will be tried. Server will be restarted for this.
525: Failed. Name was not accepted.
SwitchResult in/out in: INT32
out: 1 NAME64 (any string)1 or INT32
one has to pass a proper transaction id and then will get back the return code or human readable string containing information about success/failure of the switching attempt

Integer Code String3
0 switching of input is currently ongoing
1 switching of input successfully completed
-1 switching of input failed
-2 switching of input failed but server will keep running, because it's configured to do so
515: bad magic passed on input

1 possible are data types CF_TEXT, CF_NAME8, CF_NAME16, CF_NAME32, CF_NAME48, CF_NAME64, longer text may be cutted automatically to fit datatype constraints
2 The possible image source (input device) names can only be read out if a syslist.xml file is present.
3 the returned string does not exactly look like this
4 As of August 2014, constant delivery of video images from camera to SGP server can be paused, in case no one is interested in the data (no client(consumer) is connected to SGP server and SGP server internally does not need the data, too (e.g. for local history)). This functionality has been implemented for resource economy, e.g. if raw camera images are transferred via a shared LAN backbone. Please note that a minimal connection from camera to SGP server is being retained, e.g. get/set camera slow control properties is still possible.

Property Interface of TINE-device 'ImageAdjustments'

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
Orientation in and/or out in: INT32 or any string1
out: INT32 or any string1
Gets or sets the orientation change of the currently connected image source. The set orientation change is active and enabled as long as no switching is performed at SGP or the property is being rewritten with some different value.

CodeInput and Output stringInput String(s) also possible
0'No orientation change''NORM', 'NoChange'
1'Rotation by 90 degrees clockwise''ROT90CW', 'RotationBy90CW'
2'Rotation by 90 degrees clockwise''ROT180CW', 'RotationBy180'
3'Rotation by 90 degrees counterclockwise''ROT270CW', 'RotationBy90CCW'
4'Mirror along the horizontal axis''MIRRORHORIZ', 'MirrorAlongHorizontalAxis'
5'Mirror along the vertical axis''MIRRORVERT', 'MirrorAlongVerticalAxis'
6'Rotation by 90 degrees clockwise, then mirror along the horizontal axis''ROT90CWMIRRHORIZ', 'RotationBy90CWThenMirrorAlongHorizontalAxis'
7'Rotation by 90 degrees clockwise, then mirror along the vertical axis''ROT90CWMIRRVERT', 'RotationBy90CWThenMirrorAlongVerticalAxis'
ParametersChanged out 1 INT32 shows the number of times parameters (orientation, scale) have been changed (NOTE: counter is reset to 0 each time an image coming from a different image source is preprocessed)  
Reset in in: 1 INT32 if correct magic number2 is passed, default orientation and scale factors from cameraports.xml (if any) are reloaded. In addition, the counter (see 'ParametersChanged' property) is reset to zero. 515: bad magic passed on input
ScalingFactors in and/or out in: 2 FLOAT or DOUBLE
out: 2 FLOAT or DOUBLE or 1 NAME64 (any string)1
one can read or alter the scaling factors (mm/pixel) for x and y which are attached to each image, x is the first floating point number, y the second. Each number can have the following values (two special meanings):

Value Description
~-1.0000 set the scale factor to 'not set' special value
0.0000 do not touch the scale factor, leave it as it is
>0.0000 set scale factor to value in mm/pixel

Note: Scaling factors are applied before orientation is changed. So if e.g. orientation is adjusted by rotating the video image at 90 degrees, width and height of video image are swapped. As a consequence, scale factors for x and y are swapped, too.

SoftROI_Enabled out 1 INT32 One can read whether software region of interest (roi) feature is enabled or disabled.

Value Description
0 false: the software roi feature is currently not enabled
1 true: the software roi feature is currently enabled


  • Please consult device 'SOFTWARE_ROI' for more properties related to software region of interest.
  • The software region of interest feature was implemented in January 2021 (2021-01).

SourceNameScales in and out in: 1 NAME64 (any string)1
out: 1 NAME64 (any string)1 or INT32
A special string containing a partial name match of a input source name and scale factors for unbinned mode of input source. The string is evaluated inside the server and the scale factors will (after successful evaluation) be changed. The set scale factors are active and enabled as long as no switching is performed at SGP or the property is being rewritten with some different values.

Input String pattern Example Description
$partial_cameraport_name=$valuexy Low.Scr1=0.0083 If the currently connected image source name partially matches 'Low.Scr1', x and y scale will be changed to 0.0083 each.
$partial_cameraport_name=$valuex:$valuey Low.Scr1=0.0083:0.0045 If the currently connected image source name partially matches 'Low.Scr1', x scale will be changed to 0.0083 and y scale will be changed to 0.0045.
$partial_cameraport_name=:$valuey Low.Scr1=:0.0045 If the currently connected image source name partially matches 'Low.Scr1', x scale will be set to undefined and y scale will be changed to 0.0045.
$partial_cameraport_name=$valuex: Low.Scr1=0.0083: If the currently connected image source name partially matches 'Low.Scr1', x scale will be set to 0.0083 and y scale will be set to undefined.
$partial_cameraport_name= Low.Scr1= If the currently connected image source name partially matches 'Low.Scr1', x and y scale will be set to undefined.

Return Code String
0 Success: Updating of scale factors successfully finished.
1 Failure: Image source name does not partially match.
2 Failure: Translation of scale factors on SGP input failed.
530:malformed input string could not be properly decoded

1 possible are data types CF_TEXT, CF_NAME8, CF_NAME16, CF_NAME32, CF_NAME48, CF_NAME64, longer text may be cutted automatically to fit datatype constraints
2 the magic is INT32 1

Property Interface of TINE-device 'Output'

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
Frame out IMAGE will return the latest available video frame (bits and header), recommended to be used for single requests as well as fallback solution (with long timeout e.g. 4000 ms) in case Frame.Sched does not work 517: if not a single frame is available (yet), usually happens if server has not got one single frame from any input source since it was started
Frame.Sched out IMAGE will return the latest available video frame (bits and header), uses scheduled mode of TINE so that frame is quickly transferred to client as soon as it's available, recommended to be used for clients that need high update rate or low latency 517: if not a single frame is available (yet), usually happens if server has not got one single frame from any input source since it was started
516: frame was already sent out (a scheduled frame in principle cannot be asked a couple of times per update cycle)
Header out 188 bytes debug-type property, will return the latest available video header contents converted to array of 188 bytes 517: if not a single header is available (yet), usually happens if server has not got one single frame from any input source since it was started
Header.Sched out 188 bytes debug-type property, will return the latest available video header contents converted to array of 188 bytes, uses scheduled mode of TINE so that recent header update is transferred to client(s) with low latency 517: if not a single frame is available (yet), usually happens if server has not got one single frame from any input source since it was started
516: frame was already sent out (a scheduled frame in principle cannot be asked a couple of times per update cycle)

Property Interface of TINE-device 'Monitoring'

The functionality of monitoring intensity increase of video image was only a draft. It was never completed and put to production level. It can not be used.

The TINE-device Monitoring groups properties related to monitoring tasks of SGP component. As one feature, it was foreseen to monitor intensity of subsequent video images while keeping a local history of video images (backlog, short-term history). In case of sudden intensity increase, local history was frozen and post mortem event was triggered. Then, TINE post mortem archive server should download frozen local history video images in order to permanently store a video animation of the sudden intensity increase. This animation was archived and provided for further analysis or inpection. The goal was to record video images containing spark events.

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
IntensityEnable in and out in: 1 INT32
out: 1 INT32
Returns whether intensity monitoring is enabled or not.
Value Description
0 false: intensity monitoring is currently not enabled
1 true: intensitiy monitoring is currently enabled
IntensityLstVal out 1 DOUBLE In case the intensitiy of the last video image was calculated, it's value will be returned here. In case intensity value was not calculated, -1.0 is returned.  
IntensityThresh in and out in: 1 DOUBLE
out: 1 DOUBLE or FLOAT
One can get and set the intensity threshold level. Allowed values to set are >1.0 to <10.0 . A value of 1.1 means that the next image must be 10% more intense than the current image to trigger intensity threshold action. A value of 2.0 means that the next image is 100% more intense than the current image. A value of 9.99 means that the next image is almost 9 times more intense than the current image. The default intensity threshold is set to 1.14 (next image is 14% more intense than current image).  

Property Interface of TINE-device 'SOFTWARE_ROI'

The TINE-device SOFTWARE_ROI groups properties related to software region of interest. In order to limit bandwidth on the network, a rectangular area (part of the whole video image delivered from image source (i.e. camera hardware) can be defined. This rectangular area is called roi. Only the defined roi is then transported further to interested clients via shared memory or TINE properties Frame or Frame.Sched (device Output). It must be noted that the roi is applied after the orientation of image from hardware is adjusted (if orientation adjustment is enabled). Orientation can be found in device ImageAdjustments. In principle, software roi is also part of image adjustments, but it's more intuitive to control if all properties related to software roi are part of a device.

The software region of interest feature was implemented in Januar 2021.

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
BOUNDING_RECT out 1 ADDRESS (IIII) Returns four integers. The four integer values define the bounding rectangle of the roi (the roi can not get outside these dimensions).

Index Name Description
first integer minimum x the minimal starting colum in of the roi, in pixels
second integer minimum y the minimal starting row in of the roi, in pixels
third integer maximum x the maximum ending column of the roi, in pixels
fourth integer maximum y the maximum ending row of the roi, in pixels
HEIGHT_MIN_MAX out 1 INTINT Returns two integers. The first integer defines the minimum height of the roi (in pixels) which is currently possible. The second integer defines the maximum height of the roi (in pixels) which is currently possible.  
IS_ENABLED out 1 INT32 One can read whether software region of interest (roi) is enabled or disabled.

Value Description
0 false: the software roi feature is currently not enabled
1 true: the software roi feature is currently enabled
SEND_AS_AOI_IMAGE in and out in: 1 INT32
out: 1 INT32
One can get or set whether the roi, if enabled, is send out as aoi feature of image (preferred) or as plain image. Using aoi feature, it is possible to transport full image dimensions before roi was applied in addition, in order to keep a reference.

Value Description
1 (default) the software roi will be send out as aoi feature of image
0 the software roi will be send out as plain image (not as aoi feature)
VALUE in and out in: 1 ADDRESS (IIII)
Index Name Description
first integer left (start x) the starting colum of the roi, in pixels
second integer top (start y) the minimal starting row in of the roi, in pixels
third integer width the width of the roi, in pixels
fourth integer height the height of the roi, in pixels

One can set and get the roi. By successfully setting it, the roi is automatically enabled. In order to reset the roi, one must send -1/-1/-1/-1 (reset code). This reset code either fully disables the roi, if this is possible (full image transport can be restricted to a certain roi width and height in order to reduce bandwidth on the network), or resets the roi back to it's maximum allowed width and height). The values to be set must be inside of the bounding rectangle, which can be obtained via BOUNDING_RECT property of this device.

VALUE.left must be >= BOUNDING_RECT.minimum_x
VALUE.top must be >= BOUNDING_RECT.minimum_y
VALUE.width+VALUE.left must be <= BOUNDING_RECT.maximum_x
VALUE.height+VALUE.TOP must be <= BOUNDING_RECT.maximum_y

In addition, the third integer (width) must be also inside bounds given by property WIDTH_MIN_MAX. The fourth parameter (height) must be also inside bounds given by property HEIGHT_MIN_MAX.
37: out_of_range (some value is out of range)
Index Name Description
first integer left (start x) the starting colum of the roi, in pixels
second integer top (start y) the minimal starting row in of the roi, in pixels
third integer width the width of the roi, in pixels
fourth integer height the height of the roi, in pixels

Returns the value of the initial roi defined in cameraports.xml file (applied directly after switching to the current image source). By writing back the values obtained here to property VALUE, one can reset changes to roi performed by writing to property VALUE in the meantime.
WIDTH_MIN_MAX out 1 INTINT Returns two integers. The first integer defines the minimum width of the roi (in pixels) which is currently possible. The second integer defines the maximum width of the roi (in pixels) which is currently possible.  

Property Interface of TINE-device 'SSC'

The TINE-device SSC (Simple Slow Control) is not always available. It exists if the input device provides the possibility to read and/or set special parameters inside the image source hardware (usually camera) via the same object/connection where the images (video frames) are read out. Currently, SGP Type 'ProsilicaGigE' and 'JaiGigE' provide SSC functionality to provide a front-end interface for USC (Universal Slow Control in order to control camera properties like gain, shutter speed, etc.

TINE Property In/Out Data Types Description Special Error codes
Name out 1 NAME64 (any string)1 Returns the camera name of the image source. Provides the same functionality as TINE-device 'Source', property 'Name'.  
Read in and out in: n NAME64 (any string)1
out: n NAME64 (any string)1
One can read 1 to n hardware properties at the same time. The same number of names of hardware properties one sends to the server as input parameter one can get back their values at output parameter. The server will return the values returned by the underlying API for the hardware, only automatic type conversion to string is performed. 518: syntax error
519: one of the hardware parameter names could not be looked up at hardware API
520: no type conversion for value to string has been implemented yet
521: low-level error at hardware API
523: error getting value at hardware API
524: hardware device is not reachable
Write in in: 1 NAME64 (any string)1
A wellformed string 'name=value' (e.g. 'ExposureValue=10') needs to be passed. Name will be looked up in hardware properties and if found, it's type will be used to try an autoconvert of the passed value to the given type. If everything went well so far, value is tried to be set at hardware property and on success, return code is 0. 518: syntax error
519: one of the hardware parameter names could not be looked up at hardware API
520: no type conversion from string to value has been implemented yet
521: low-level error at hardware API
522: error setting value at hardware API
524: hardware device is not reachable

1 possible are data types CF_TEXT, CF_NAME8, CF_NAME16, CF_NAME32, CF_NAME48, CF_NAME64, longer text may be cutted automatically to fit datatype constraints

Last modified: Jan 12, 2021