
Acop ComboBox Example

Use the ACOP ComboBox for offering a list of discrete settings.

The ACOP Button can be used to apply a specific setting or command, or to toggle between two distinct settings. The ACOP Slider can be used to apply any setting between a maximum and minimum range in an apparently analog fashion as can the ACOP WheelSwitch in a digitial fashion.

The ACOP ComboBox can allow the user to choose among a list of possible settings that he might wish to apply.


Acop ComboBox display Properties

Items specifies the items in the combo box via a String Array editor. Item string entries should be of the form ComboBoxItemText | ItemValue (e.g. 'Setting 1|42').
ToolTipText is the preferred tool tip text. If left blank then the underlying LinkAddress and LinkProperty are used.

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