
Acop Gauge Example

Use the ACOP Gauge for displaying the current readback value of some property with respect to its maximimum and minimum values.


Acop Gauge display Properties

BarBackColor specifies the bar background color
BarForeColor specifies the bar foreground color
BarTicks specifies the number tick marks (-1 : auto; 0 : no marks and scale)
BarValue speficies the bar value
Description if non-empty then the string provided will be used as the caption text (else the LinkProperty's description.
LogScale if true will use a logarithmic gauge scale.
MaximumValue the maximum setting value
MinimumValue the minimum setting value
NeedleColor specifies the needle color
Orientation specifies the gauge orientation

  • Horizontal (default)
  • Vertical

Precision precision to use for floating point numbers (0 = general display)
ReferenceValue specifies a reference value to be shown in the bar
Region1Warn defines an initial warning region on the bar
Region2Warn defines a second warning region on the bar
ShowHeader if true displays the description, units, and current value as well as the gauge.
ShowSubTicks if true displays gauge sub-tick marks.
ShowTickValues if true displays gauge tick marks.
ToolTipText specifies the preferred tooltip text for table. If un-specified, then the address parameters will used.
Units the value units (applied to the component's description)


Acop Gauge display Events

WarnRegionChanged occurs when the value has entered or left a defined warning region.

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