
Acop InputBox Example

Use the ACOP InputBox for applying set-point or settings changes.

You can input via the keyboard (or copy-paste or drag-and-drop) input into the text area of the input box.
On application start, the input box shows the current readback value of the underlying LinkAddress and LinkProperty (providided this property is an attribute style property (offering read and write access).

If the current input box value shown is in sync with the readback value then it is displayed with the same color as readback (default = DarkBlue) else it is displayed in an out-of-sync color (default = DarkRed).

An access lock can easily be obtained via a checkbox (if supported by the transport protocol).

To apply the setting shown in the input box, simply hit the return key while the cursor is inside the input box.


Acop InputBox display Properties

Description if non-empty then the string provided will be used as the caption text (else the LinkProperty's description.
DisplayFont font to use intialize the acop control
LabelInSyncForeColor ForeColor to use if setting is synchronized with the current readback value
LabelOutOfSyncForeColor ForeColor to use if setting is not synchronized with the current readback value
Precision precision to use for floating point numbers (0 = general display)
ReadbackForeColor default ForeColor to use for the Readback label
ShowDescription if true (default) displays the description as the control header.
ToolTipText specifies the preferred tooltip text for table. If un-specified, then the address parameters will used.
Units the value units (applied to the component's description)

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