
Acop Valve Example

Use the ACOP Valve for displaying valve elements in a synoptic display.


Acop Valve display Properties

BlinkIntensity set the blink intensity for the table cells (up to 100% lighter or -100% darker) (default = 50)
BlinkInterval set the blink interval (msec) for the table cells (default = 500)
BlinkSlot set the blink slot for the table cells (0 up to NumberBlinkSlots) (default = 0)
BlinkValve set the mode for the valve

  • off (default)
  • onValveClosed
  • onValveOpen
  • always

BorderColor border color of valve region
BorderWidth border width of valve region
CornerRadius corner radius of valve region
DisplayText if true: display input text/readback value on shape
DisplayValue if non-empty then the displayed value upon update will be the value given
FillColor background color of valve region
Gradient color gradient for filled region
GradientStyle color gradient style for filled region
NumberBlinkSlots set the number of blink slots for the table cells (at least 2) (default = 2)
Orientation gives the orientation of the valve

  • vertical (default)
  • horizontal

ValveClosedColor color of valve region when the valve is closed
ValveOpen the initial state of the displayed valve
ValveOpenColor color of valve region when the valve is open
ValveOpenGap is the displayed valve separation when the valve is open.
ValveUnknownColor color of valve region when the valve state is unknown.
ToolTipText specifies the preferred tooltip text for table. If un-specified, then the address parameters will be used.

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