
Acop Video Example

Use the ACOP Video control to display control system camera data and apply simple video analysis.

The ACOP Video control will display any image provided but is typically used to display and analyize beam spot video streams coming from control system cameras.


Acop Video Properties

Analysis determine whether a simple video analysis is visible and supply analysis parameters

  • AnalysisAreaSize sets the size of the area between 10 and 50% of the image size.
  • BackColor specifies the analysis panel back color.
  • LineColor specifies the analysis panel fore color.
  • ShowAnalysis if true shows the analysis panel.

ColorMap specifies the color mapping for images

  • NONE no color map (default)
  • GRAYSCALE gray scale for color images
  • JET a color mapping for black/white images

CursorColor if CursorVisible = true specifies the cursor line color.
CursorVisible specifies if a cross-hair cursor appears over the displayed video image.
GridColor if GridVisible = true specifies the grid color.
GridVisible specifies whether a grid appears over the displayed video image or not.
KeepAspectRatio if true keeps the original aspect ratio of the incoming image.

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