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Package com.cosylab.application.state.impl

Class Summary
AWTStateKeeper This class is an implementation of the StateKeeper interface and stores application state by traversing through its AWT tree.
CDBStateStorage This class is an implementation of the StateStorage that uses the CDB server to store the array of the State objects.
DefaultState This is the default implementation of the State interface.
DefaultStateStorage This class is an abstract class that can be extended by the StateStorage implementators.
OldXMLStateStorage This class is an implementation of the StateStorage that uses a XML file to store the array of the State objects.
SerialStateStorage This class implements the state storage and saves states into a binary file using simple JAVA serialization.
TextStateStorage This class is an implementation of the StateStorage that uses simple text file to store the array of the State objects.
XMLStateStorage This class is an implementation of the StateStorage that uses a XML file to store the array of the State objects.

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