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Package com.cosylab.gui.components.introspection

Class Summary
BeanPropertiesTableModel BeanPropertiesTableModel is table model which displayes properties of a bean and allows property manipulation based on introspection.
ClassEntryPanel A JPanel which allows user to enter class name, which is then used to create a java.lang.Class instance which is this bean's property and can be used by application programmers Creation date: (9.1.2002 22:04:46)
ClassEntryPanelBeanInfo The bean information class for com.cosylab.gui.adapters.infobus.ClassTextField.
DefaultPropertiesTable DefaultPropertiesTable displays various properties in a two column table.
MapTableModel A TableModel implementation that handles key-value maps to be used with JTable
MemberListCellRenderer Creation date: (12.1.2002 2:56:04)
MethodInvocationSettings A class that holds the necessary information for invoking a method on a class (if the method is static) or an object.
MethodSelectionPanel Creation date: (11.1.2002 23:50:39)
MethodSelectionPanelBeanInfo The bean information class for com.cosylab.gui.adapters.infobus.MethodSelectionPanel.
ParametersTable Creation date: (18.1.2002 18:29:16)
PropertiesTable This table parforms introspection on Java bean and displays editable table in which user can change bean properties.
PropertiesTableModel A table model, which help edit arbitrary set of properties.

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