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Package com.cosylab.gui.components

Interface Summary
ProgressListener Interface for listeners interested into monitoring progress of tasks.
ProgressMonitor Interface defining progress monitoring for long running tasks.
SimpleDisplayer SimpleDisplayer interface defines some usefull features, that should have all GUI widget, that wants to colaborate with Abeans framework.

Class Summary
AbstractDisplayerPanel A container for simple displayers is able to display a small dispalyer component together with an optional title in a vertical or horizontal resizable layout.
AbstractDisplayerPanelCustomizer AbstractDisplayerPanelCustomizer is a default costomizer employed by AbstractDisplayerPanel.
AbstractNumericDisplayerPanel An extension of AbstractDisplayerPanel used for numerical displayers.
AbstractNumericDisplayerPanelCustomizer AbstractNumericDisplayerPanelCustomizer is a customizer for AbstractNumericDisplayerPanel.
AbstractProgressTask Convenience implementation of ProgressMonitor.
ArrowButton A simple resizable button identified by an arrow icon.
DateSpanSelector A simple graphical widget for selecting date intervals.
DateTimeSelector This is a container for SimpleDateSelector and SimpleTimeSelector components, combining the functionality of both.
DialKnob A visual component for displaying and manipulating a double ranged value.
DialKnobBeanInfo BeanInfo for DialKnob.
DialKnobCustomizer DialKnobCustomizer is a customizer for DialKnob which allows customization of its most common properties.
Gauger Gauger is a visual component that displays a value on a scale between minimum and maximum.
GradientLabel A label that paints a gradient as a background.
GroupBoxBorder Border with tile and thin line.
HyperLinkLabel HyperLinkLabel is an extension of the JLabel which provides a hyperlink and opens a desktop browser with this link when clicked.
InterceptorPane InterceptorPane is specialized GUI component that installs itself into any descendant of the java.awt.Window.
LabelledGauger LabelledGauger is an extension of AbstractDisplayerPanel which provides Gauger as the numerical value displayer.
LabelledGaugerBeanInfo BeanInfo for LabelledGauger.
LabelledGaugerCustomizer LabelledGaugerCustomizer is a customizer for LabelledGauger which allows customization of its most common properties.
LabelledLedder LabelledLedder ...
LabelledNumberField LabelledNumberField is extended NumberField with title label and units label.
LabelledNumberFieldBeanInfo BeanInfo for LabelledNumberField.
LabelledNumberFieldCustomizer LabelledNumberFieldCustomizer is a customizer for LabelledNumberField which allows customization of its most common properties.
LabelledWheelswitch LabelledWheelswitch is extended Wheelswitch with title label and unit label in same style.
LabelledWheelswitchBeanInfo BeanInfo for LabelledWheelswitch.
LabelledWheelswitchCustomizer Customizer for LabelledWheelswitch allows setting the most common properties of the bean.
MultiIconLabel This class extends javax.swing.JLabel so that it allows display of multiple icons.
NumberField Descendant of ResizableTextField which only allows input of numbers.
ObjectTable ObjectTable includes number of usefull features over standard JTable for users, which try to create tabel for monitoring dynamic values.
ObjectTableModel TableModel, which accepts new items as objects and converts them to new rows.
PanelTitleBar This is a JComponent, which is a combination of a label and a toolbar.
Piper A visual component for displaying numerical (double) values using a liquid partially filled vertical tube visualisation.
ProgressDialog Simple progress bar dialog for displaying ProgressMonitor enabled tasks.
ProgressEvent Event for describing task progress change.
ReportTextArea An extension of the JTextArea providing features commonly needed when using a text area to report large amounts of information to the screen.
ResizableTextField Descedant of JTextField that implements font resizing.
ResizableTextLabel A text area in which the text can dynamicaly adjust its font size to fill the whole area available.
SimpleButton A very simple implementation of a button.
SimpleComboBox A simple implementation of a combo box that provides several display styles through different javax.swing.plaf.ComboBoxUI implementations.
SimpleComboBox.DropComboBoxUI This extension of SimpleComboBoxUI uses the standard right-side arrow button to activate the drop-down list.
SimpleComboBox.SimpleComboBoxUI The simplest implementation od ComboBoxUI displays no button in the comboBox.
SimpleDateSelector This class provides user-friendly entry of dates.
SimpleTimeSelector Class specialized for entering the time.
Slider Slider is a GUI component for displaying double value.
SliderBeanInfo BeanInfo for Slider.
SliderCustomizer SliderCustomizer is a customizer for Slider which enables customization of the most common slider's properties.
SliderSetModePropertyEditor SliderSetModePropertyEditor is an implementation of the PropertyEditor which enables setting of the Slider.setSetMode(SliderSetMode) property.
TitledPanel TitledPanel is an extension of the Swing's JPanel, which contains a PanelTitleBar at the top.
ValuePolicyCustomizer ValuePolicyCustomizer is a java bean customizer for setting the RangedValuePolicy property.
ValuePolicyPropertyEditor RangedValuePolicy property editor for gui builders.
Wheelswitch Descedant of javax.swing.JPanel that contains a row of digits and optionally a two way up-down buttons.

Enum Summary
Piper.LayoutOrientation Defines the orietation of the piper.
Slider.Button Button identifiers for any of the buttons used in the Slider.
SliderSetMode SliderSetMode describes different modes of setting value on the slider.

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