Interface Summary | |
ProgressListener | Interface for listeners interested into monitoring progress of tasks. |
ProgressMonitor | Interface defining progress monitoring for long running tasks. |
SimpleDisplayer | SimpleDisplayer interface defines some usefull features, that
should have all GUI widget, that wants to colaborate with Abeans framework. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractDisplayerPanel | A container for simple displayers is able to display a small dispalyer component together with an optional title in a vertical or horizontal resizable layout. |
AbstractDisplayerPanelBeanInfo | |
AbstractDisplayerPanelCustomizer | AbstractDisplayerPanelCustomizer is a default costomizer employed
by AbstractDisplayerPanel. |
AbstractNumericDisplayerPanel | An extension of AbstractDisplayerPanel used for numerical displayers. |
AbstractNumericDisplayerPanelBeanInfo | |
AbstractNumericDisplayerPanelCustomizer | AbstractNumericDisplayerPanelCustomizer is a customizer for
AbstractNumericDisplayerPanel. |
AbstractProgressTask | Convenience implementation of ProgressMonitor . |
ArrowButton | A simple resizable button identified by an arrow icon. |
DateSpanSelector | A simple graphical widget for selecting date intervals. |
DateSpanSelectorBeanInfo | |
DateTimeSelector | This is a container for SimpleDateSelector and SimpleTimeSelector components, combining the functionality of both. |
DialKnob | A visual component for displaying and manipulating a double ranged value. |
DialKnobBeanInfo | BeanInfo for DialKnob . |
DialKnobCustomizer | DialKnobCustomizer is a customizer for DialKnob
which allows customization of its most common properties. |
DialKnobTester | |
Gauger | Gauger is a visual component that displays a value on a scale between minimum and maximum. |
GaugerBeanInfo | |
GaugerCustomizer | |
GradientLabel | A label that paints a gradient as a background. |
GradientLabelBeanInfo | |
GroupBoxBorder | Border with tile and thin line. |
HyperLinkLabel | HyperLinkLabel is an extension of the JLabel which provides a
hyperlink and opens a desktop browser with this link when clicked. |
InterceptorPane | InterceptorPane is specialized GUI component that installs itself into any
descendant of the java.awt.Window . |
LabelledGauger | LabelledGauger is an extension of AbstractDisplayerPanel which
provides Gauger as the numerical value displayer. |
LabelledGaugerBeanInfo | BeanInfo for LabelledGauger . |
LabelledGaugerCustomizer | LabelledGaugerCustomizer is a customizer for
LabelledGauger which allows customization of its most
common properties. |
LabelledLedder | LabelledLedder ... |
LabelledLedderBeanInfo | |
LabelledLedderCustomizer | |
LabelledLedderTester | |
LabelledNumberField | LabelledNumberField is extended NumberField with
title label and units label. |
LabelledNumberFieldBeanInfo | BeanInfo for LabelledNumberField . |
LabelledNumberFieldCustomizer | LabelledNumberFieldCustomizer is a customizer for
LabelledNumberField which allows customization of its most
common properties. |
LabelledNumberFieldCustomizer.WPanel | |
LabelledWheelswitch | LabelledWheelswitch is extended Wheelswitch with
title label and unit label in same style. |
LabelledWheelswitchBeanInfo | BeanInfo for LabelledWheelswitch . |
LabelledWheelswitchCustomizer | Customizer for LabelledWheelswitch allows setting the most
common properties of the bean. |
Ledder | |
MultiIconLabel | This class extends javax.swing.JLabel so that it allows display
of multiple icons. |
NumberField | Descendant of ResizableTextField which only allows input of
numbers. |
NumberFieldBeanInfo | |
ObjectTable | ObjectTable includes number of usefull features over standard
JTable for users, which try to create tabel for monitoring
dynamic values. |
ObjectTableModel | TableModel , which accepts new items as objects and converts
them to new rows. |
PanelTitleBar | This is a JComponent , which is a combination of a label and a
toolbar. |
Piper | A visual component for displaying numerical (double ) values
using a liquid partially filled vertical tube visualisation. |
PiperBeanInfo | |
PiperCustomizer | |
ProgressDialog | Simple progress bar dialog for displaying ProgressMonitor
enabled tasks. |
ProgressEvent | Event for describing task progress change. |
ReportTextArea | An extension of the JTextArea providing features commonly needed
when using a text area to report large amounts of information to the screen. |
ResizableTextField | Descedant of JTextField that implements font resizing. |
ResizableTextLabel | A text area in which the text can dynamicaly adjust its font size to fill the whole area available. |
SimpleButton | A very simple implementation of a button. |
SimpleComboBox | A simple implementation of a combo box that provides several display styles through different javax.swing.plaf.ComboBoxUI implementations. |
SimpleComboBox.DropComboBoxUI | This extension of SimpleComboBoxUI uses the standard right-side arrow button to activate the drop-down list. |
SimpleComboBox.SimpleComboBoxUI | The simplest implementation od ComboBoxUI displays no button in the comboBox. |
SimpleComboBox.SwitchComboBoxUI | |
SimpleDateSelector | This class provides user-friendly entry of dates. |
SimpleTimeSelector | Class specialized for entering the time. |
SimpleTimeSelectorBeanInfo | |
SimpleTimeSelectorCustomizer | |
Slider | Slider is a GUI component for displaying double value. |
SliderBeanInfo | BeanInfo for Slider . |
SliderCustomizer | SliderCustomizer is a customizer for Slider
which enables customization of the most common slider's properties. |
SliderSetModePropertyEditor | SliderSetModePropertyEditor is an implementation
of the PropertyEditor which enables setting
of the Slider.setSetMode(SliderSetMode) property. |
TitledPanel | TitledPanel is an extension of the Swing's JPanel, which contains a
PanelTitleBar at the top. |
TitledPanelBeanInfo | |
ValuePolicyCustomizer | ValuePolicyCustomizer is a java bean customizer for
setting the RangedValuePolicy property. |
ValuePolicyPropertyEditor | RangedValuePolicy property editor for gui builders. |
Wheelswitch | Descedant of javax.swing.JPanel that contains a row of digits
and optionally a two way up-down buttons. |
WheelswitchBeanInfo |
Enum Summary | |
Piper.LayoutOrientation | Defines the orietation of the piper. |
SimpleComboBox.Style | |
Slider.Button | Button identifiers for any of the buttons used in the Slider. |
SliderSetMode | SliderSetMode describes different modes of setting value on the
slider. |