Interface Summary | |
CosyTransferHandler.MouseFilter | MouseFilter can notify if certain MouseEvent can trigger the
DnD event. |
PopupManageable | PopupManageable marks GUI widget that can handle popup manu
with PopupManager . |
Class Summary | |
ActionList |
An action which holds a list of other Action objects. |
Actions | Convenience class with set of utilities to help work with Action instances. |
Actions.ListenerForMenu | DOCUMENT ME! |
ColorHelper | Helper class that provides simple access to most often used Color UI resources |
ColorManager | ColorManager provides a sequence of colors which can be used for example in charts. |
ComponentPositioner | This is a convenience class with static methods used to position graphic components on screen. |
CosyMetalTheme | A color and font theme used for MetalLookAndFeel. |
CosyTransferHandler | CosyTransferHandler is a common TransferHandler for cosy
displyers. |
CosyUIElements | A class containing user interface and border inner classes, used in rendering some of the Swing components |
CosyUIElements.ButtonOnRightLayout | |
CosyUIElements.FillingGridLayout | |
CosyUIElements.FlushTabbedPaneUI | A class implementing the user interface of a JTabbedPane . |
CosyUIElements.PanelFlushBorder | A clean border that visually raises the component above its surroundings. |
CosyUIElements.PlainTabbedPaneUI | A class implementing the user interface of a JTabbedPane . |
CosyUIElements.TwinOptimalLayout | |
DitherPaint | A paint which renders a 1px dither pattern of the specified color. |
DnDUtil | |
FontHelper | Helper class that provides simple access to Font UI resources |
IconHelper | IconHelper acts as an interface to the all icons currently in classpath. |
ImageClipboardHelper | |
ImageHelper | ImageHelper acts as an interface to the all images currently in classpath. |
ImagePanel | This is a specialisation of JPanel that displays an image in its backgorund. |
ImagePanelBeanInfo | To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments |
PaintHelper | Static helper class for painting standardised syimbols over existing Graphics objects. |
PopupManager | PopupManager helps simple GUI widget to handle popup menu
in transparent and extensible way. |
RunnerHelper | |
ScreenCapturer | |
SplitPaneOrientationAction | An action that, when associated with a JSplitPane, changes the orientation from horizontal to vertical and vice versa. |
ToggleAction | An extension of the javax.swing.Action interface which provides
selected bound property. |