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Package com.cosylab.gui

Class Summary
ButtonController Button that sets desired value on consumer when pressed.
ButtonControllerBeanInfo BeanInfo for ButtonController.
ButtonControllerCustomizer Customizer for ButtonController.
CharacteristicsMapPanel CharacteristicsMapPanel ...
CheckBoxController CheckBox for displaying and switching double properties between two values.
CheckBoxControllerBeanInfo BeanInfo for CheckBoxController.
CheckBoxControllerCustomizer Customizer for CheckBoxController.
DialKnobDisplayer DialKnob implemented as Displayer.
DialKnobDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for DialKnobDisplayer.
DialKnobDisplayerCustomizer DialKnobCustomizer is a customizer for DialKnobDisplayer and includes the ConverterCustomizer.
DoubleNumberDisplayer DoubleNumberDisplayer is simple implementation of DoubleDisplayer interface based on LabelledNumberfield.
DoubleNumberDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for DoubleNumberDisplayer.
DoubleNumberDisplayerCustomizer DoubleNumberDisplayerCustomizer is a customizer for DoubleNumberDisplayer which includes the ConverterCustomizer.
GaugerDisplayer Gauger displayer.
GaugerDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for GaugerDisplayer.
GaugerDisplayerCustomizer GaugerDisplayerCustomizer is a customizer for GaugerDisplayer which includes the ConverterCustomizer.
IconCustomizer IconCustomizer is a customizer for IconDisplayer.
IconDisplayer IconDisplayer is a displayer that displays icons associated with different values.
IconDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for IconDisplayer.
IconDisplayerCustomizer IconDisplayerCustomizer is a customizer for IconDisplayer which allows customization of the basic displayer properties and includes IconCustomizer.
IconEditor IconEditor is a simple editor which enables selecting an icon.
IconPropertyEditor IconPropertyEditor is an implementation of the java.beans.PropertyEditor which enables setting of an icon.
InfoDialog InfoDialog is a dialog which can be hooked to a displayer.
LabelDisplayer A displayer GUI widget that can uniformly display changable string value.
LabelDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for LabelDisplayer.
LabelDisplayerCustomizer LabelDisplayerCustomizer is a customizer for LabelDisplayer which allows customization of its most common properties.
SliderDisplayer Displays value on editable slider.
SliderDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for SliderDisplayer.
SliderDisplayerCustomizer SliderDisplayerCustomizer is a Customizer for SliderDisplayer and includes the ConverterCustomizer.
ValueIconPair ValueIconPair combines a long value with a specifi icon.
ValueIconPropertyEditor ValueIconPropertyEditor is an implementation of the java.beans.PropertyEditor used for creating ValueIconPairs and setting the value as a bean property.
WheelswitchDisplayer WheelswitchDisplayer is simple implementation of Displayer interface based on LabelledWheelswitch.
WheelswitchDisplayerBeanInfo BeanInfo for WheelswitchDisplayer.
WheelswitchDisplayerCustomizer Customizer for WheelswitchDisplayer.

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