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Package de.desy.acop.displayers

Class Summary
AcopButton AcopButton is a displayer that sets desired value on remote connection point when pressed.
AcopButtonBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopButton.
AcopButtonCustomizer Customizer for AcopButton.
AcopChart AcopChart is an extension of Acop which enables the use of ConnectionParameters and can connect to a remote property.
AcopChartBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopChart.
AcopChartCustomizer AcopChartCustomizer is a customizer for AcopChart which includes ChartConnectionCustomizer.
AcopChartReorg AcopChartReorg is a wrapper for Acop which can present multiple graphs and allows setting of the most common Acop properties.
AcopChartReorgBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopChartReorg.
AcopChartReorgCustomizer AcopChartReorgCustomizer is a customizer for AcopChartReorg which includes ChartConnectionCustomizer and AcopChartReorgSettingsCustomizer.
AcopCheckBox AcopCheckBox is a displayer for displaying and switching between two double values.
AcopCheckBoxBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopButton.
AcopCheckBoxCustomizer Customizer for AcopCheckBox.
AcopDialKnob AcopDialKnob is a single double value displayer.
AcopDialKnobBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopDialKnob.
AcopDialKnobCustomizer AcopDialKnobCustomizer is a customizer for AcopDialKnob and includes the ConnectionCustomizer and ArrayIndexCustomizer.
AcopGauger AcopGauger is a single double value AcopDisplayer.
AcopGaugerBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopGauger.
AcopGaugerCustomizer AcopGaugerCustomizer is a customizer for AcopGauger which includes ConnectionCustomizer and ArrayIndexCustomizer.
AcopIcon AcopIcon is a displayer which can show imageable value.
AcopIconBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopIcon.
AcopIconCustomizer AcopIconCustomizer is a customizer for AcopIcon which includes the ConnectionCustomizer and ArrayIndexCustomizer.
AcopLabel AcopLabel is an AcopDisplayer which can show string or number values.
AcopLabelBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopLabel.
AcopLabelCustomizer AcopLabelCustomizer is a customizer for AcopLabel which includes the ConnectionCustomizer.
AcopNumberLabel AcopNumberLabel is a displayer which can show a single double value.
AcopNumberLabelBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopNumberLabel.
AcopNumberLabelCustomizer AcopNumberLabelCustomizer is a customizer for AcopNumberLabel which includes ConnectionCustomizer and ArrayIndexCustomizer.
AcopSlider AcopSlider is a displayer which can show a single double value.
AcopSliderBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopSlider.
AcopSliderCustomizer AcopSliderCustomizer is a customizer for AcopSlider and includes ConnectionCustomizer and ArrayIndexCustomizer
AcopSpider AcopSpider is an error tracking monitor for Acop components.
AcopSpiderBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopSpider.
AcopTable AcopTable is a MultipleAcopDisplayer which is inteded to show values of multi-channel arrays or spectrum arrays.
AcopTableBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopTable.
AcopTableCustomizer Customizer for AcopTable includes the TableConnectionCustomizer and a customizer for table specific properties.
AcopTrendChart AcopTrendChart is a wrapper for the Acop which can show multiple trends in a single chart.
AcopTrendChartCustomizer AcopTrendChartCustomizer is a customizer for AcopTrendChart and includes TrendChartConnectionCustomizer and AcopTrendChartSettingsCustomizer.
AcopWheelswitch AcopWheelswitch is a displayer which can present a single double value.
AcopWheelswitchBeanInfo BeanInfo for AcopWheelswitch.
AcopWheelswitchCustomizer Customizer for AcopWheelswitch.

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