Class Summary |
AImage |
AImage is the object that is transferred across the
system from the video analysis server to the video client. |
AnalyzedImage |
Deprecated. not used anymore; relevant things moved to ImageAnalysisEngine . |
AverageColorDecoder |
AvrerageColorDecoder transforms theTYPE_INT_ARGB
integer color code into a normalized sum of red, green and blue components. |
FittingUtilities |
FittingUtilities provides a set of utilities to fit a
gaussian function to a set of data |
IdentityColorDecoder |
IdentitiyColorDecoder performs no transformation of
TYPE_INT_ARGB integer color code. |
ImageAnalysisEngine |
ImageAnalysisEngine provides AImage image analysis
data. |
LUDecomposition |
LUDecomposition provides a method to solve a n-by-n system of linear
equations. |
LuminosityColorDecoder |
LuminosityColorDecoder transforms theTYPE_INT_ARGB
integer color code into a normalized sum of red, green and blue components by
calculating luminosity as Y = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B. |
RGBColorDecoder |
RGBColorDecoder is a decoder which transforms
the raw values into rgb values. |