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AVINE Video System

SGP Component

Maintainer: Stefan Weisse


Overview of SGP component
Figure: Overview of SGP component.

The SGP (Small Grabber Part) component is the front-end server-side image acquisition part of the Video System. In general, it integrates API/SDK where it is possible to access the hardware (camera, detector etc.), provides mechanisms to preprocess and control the image stream and provides welldefined interfaces (via TINE server) to get the image data, to monitor and control acquisition and to communicate with the hardware.

Each SGP binary only integrates one SDK/API to access hardware like cameras. Some SGP projects exist for different SDK/APIs, each one outputs an unique binary. Currently, SGP projects exist for:

  • Pleora eBUS SDK v6 (GigE Vision-compliant cameras)
  • AVT Prosilica PvAPI (Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) Prosilica GigE Vision cameras)
  • MS Directshow SDK/API (any camera which is supported by MS Directshow)
  • JAI SDK/API (JAI, JAI/Pulnix, Basler etc. GigE Vision-compliant cameras) (legacy)

The following list enumerates the functionalities contained within SGP component:

  • communicates to API, usually provided by manufacturer of image source
  • optional first-level image preprocessing (orientation change, attach metadata to raw image bits)
  • may talk to API of image source for adjustment of hardware parameters/slow control
  • contains a TINE server which provides welldefined property layout for communication to control system
    • Simple Slow Control interface (SSC) to Video System
    • defined output interface to Video System (Video System Transport Layer)
    • get status of server and image source
    • control, detach/attach image source to SGP
    • browse available image sources and intermediate Layer components (requires Syslist.xml)
  • interface to configuration files in XML format (SGP[].xml, ISrc[].xml SGPmain.xml Syslist.xml cameraports.xml)

TINE Property Layout

The TINE Property Layout of SGP component is located on a separate page.

XML Configuration Files

Please consult XML Configuration files documentation located on a separate page.

Switching from One Image Source to Another

This section is yet to be written.

Last modified: July 2023