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AcopCheckBox Class Reference

A smart CheckBox control which can be assigned to control system elements. More...

Inheritance diagram for AcopCheckBox:

Public Member Functions

void AddColorToList (String color)
 Adds a color (by string name) to the current color list More...
void AddColorToList (Color color)
 Adds a color to the current color list More...
int Attach ()
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object More...
int Attach (object DataOut, object DataIn, int Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Attach (object DataOut, object DataIn, string Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Attach (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, int Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Attach (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, string Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Detach (String Protocol, String Address, String Property, object DataOut, object DataIn)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach (String Address, String Property, object DataOut, object DataIn)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach (String Protocol, String Address, String Property)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach (String Address, String Property)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach ()
 Detaches all links attached to the acop control. More...
int Execute ()
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object More...
int Execute (object DataOut, object DataIn, int Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
int Execute (object DataOut, object DataIn, string Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
int Execute (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, int Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
int Execute (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, string Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
Color [] GetColorList ()
 Gets the current color list as an array of colors More...
int GetDataTag ()
 Gets the last data tag (if any) associated with the output data. More...
int GetFlags (String flags)
 Gets the integer flag representation of the input flags string More...
Link GetLink ()
 Returns the currently bound transport Link More...
object GetLinkOutput ()
 Returns the output data object bound to the default transport link More...
String [] GetLinkOutputChannelNames ()
 Returns a list of discovered channel names for the data bound to the default transport link (In case the transport link is bound to a multi-channel array). More...
double [] GetLinkOutputXAxis ()
 Returns the appropriate X-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart) More...
double [] GetLinkOutputYAxis ()
 Returns the appropriate Y-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart) More...
int GetOutputCompletionLength ()
 Gets the last delivered link output completion length. More...
object GetOutputDataObject ()
 Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address More...
object GetOutputDataObject (int instance)
 Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address and given overload preference More...
int GetStatus ()
 Gets the current link status as an integer value More...
String GetStatusString ()
 Gets the current transport link status as a string More...
double GetTimeStamp ()
 Get the last link timestamp (as a UTC double). More...
Boolean IsAttached ()
 Gives the current link attached status based on the Link parameters More...
void LinkUpdateInvoker (acopUpdate updater, object sender, Link lnk)
 An invoker helper for cases where InvokeRequired is needed More...
int Reassign (String Address, String Property)
 Reassigns the current bound default link to the address parameters given. More...
int ReassignList (String newGroupList, String newAddr, String newPrp)
 Reassigns the currently bound grouped links to those in the group list given More...
void Reset ()
 Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link. More...
void Reset (Boolean allLinks)
 Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link. More...
int SingleUpdate ()
 Applies a single link update to the acop user component if the component is not already in a monitoring state. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double getUtcNow ()
 Returns the current UTC time (seconds since 1970) as a double (with fractional seconds). More...


object AcopReferenceObject [get, set]
 An optional assigned object associated with this Acop control ... More...
Boolean ApplyAcopLinkUpdateAfterAutoUpdate [get, set]
 Determines the firing order of a user-defined acopLinkUpdate delegate More...
ApplyEventSettingType ApplyEventOrder [get, set]
 Determines the firing order of a user-defined acopApply delegate More...
UnitsLocation ApplyLocation [get, set]
 the prefered location to apply units (default = description) More...
bool AutoLinkAttach [get, set]
 if set to true, instructs ACOP to automatically monitor the data provided by LinkAddress and LinkProperty More...
int AutoLinkCapacity [get, set]
 if non-zero, provides the requested data size to use when AutoLinkUpdate is set to true More...
bool AutoLinkUpdate [get, set]
 if set to true, instructs ACOP to update this component's contents upon receipt of new link data (provided no user-defined event handle is in play) More...
String CheckBoxText [get, set]
 specifies the checkbox description More...
String CheckedStateText [get, set]
 The dialog text to display for the checked state More...
Boolean CloseLinkOnMinimized [get, set]
 If true the Link will be closed if the form is minimized More...
int DefaultMonitorInterval [get, set]
 The default monitoring interval in msec More...
double DeSelectedValue [get, set]
 The set value when un-checked More...
String DeviceText [get, set]
 The dialog text to display for the device item (empty => LinkDevice)" More...
String LinkAddress [get, set]
 Identifies the transport link target. The target end point is given by the LinkAddress and the LinkProperty. More...
String LinkContext [get, set]
 The design-time browseable link context (part of the link address) More...
String LinkDevice [get, set]
 The design-time browseable/editable link device (part of the link address) More...
String LinkFlags [get, set]
 An optional design-time browseable flags set which can be applied to the underlying link More...
String LinkInputValue [get, set]
 optional value to use as input for automatic links More...
String LinkList [get, set]
 A design-time list of targeted links. If there is more than one target then 'LinkGrouped' is automatically set to 'true' More...
String LinkProperty [get, set]
 The design-time browseable/editable link property (suppliments the link address)" More...
String LinkProtocol [get, set]
 The link control system protocol More...
String LinkServer [get, set]
 The design-time browseable link server (part of the link address) More...
String LinkSubSystem [get, set]
 The design-time browseable link subsystem More...
double SelectedValue [get, set]
 The set value when checked More...
Boolean ShowCheckDialog [get, set]
 "If 'true' then a message box with an option to cancel will appear prior to applying any changes" More...
int ToggleBit [get, set]
 Bit to be toggled in integer readback or -1 for no selected bit. If a bit is selected then SelectedValue and DeSelectedValue will be ignored. More...
String ToolTipText [get, set]
 if non-empty then the string provided will be used as component's tool tip text; if 'none' then no tool tip text; else the associated link address More...
String UncheckedStateText [get, set]
 The dialog text to display for the un-checked state More...


acopApplySetting acopApply
 Occurs when the control attempts to apply the setting shown to the link address More...
acopError acopLinkError
 Occurs when the underlying monitored link enters an error state (via acopApply or acopLinkUpdate) More...
acopUpdate acopLinkUpdate
 Occurs when the underlying monitored link has updated its data More...
acopResetSetting acopReset
 Occurs when the control attempts to reset the setting shown to the link address More...

Detailed Description

A smart CheckBox control which can be assigned to control system elements.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddColorToList() [1/2]

void AddColorToList ( String  color)

Adds a color (by string name) to the current color list

colorthe color (as a string) to add the color list

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.AddColorToList().

◆ AddColorToList() [2/2]

void AddColorToList ( Color  color)

Adds a color to the current color list

colorthe color to add to the color list

References AcopUserComponent.AddColorToList().

◆ Attach() [1/5]

int Attach ( )

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object

A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References AcopUserComponent.DefaultMonitorInterval, AcopUserComponent.GetFlags(), and Link.GetLinkId().

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Attach(), and AcopUserComponent.Reassign().

◆ Attach() [2/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References Link.GetLinkId().

◆ Attach() [3/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References AcopUserComponent.Attach(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ Attach() [4/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References Link.GetLinkId().

◆ Attach() [5/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References AcopUserComponent.Attach(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ Detach() [1/5]

int Detach ( String  Protocol,
String  Address,
String  Property,
object  DataOut,
object  DataIn 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

ProtocolControl system protocol
AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
DataOutThe output data object
DataInThe input data object
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.AutoLinkAttach, AcopChart.AutoTrendUpdate, AcopChart.ClearScreen(), Link.GetAddress(), Link.GetDisplayId(), Link.GetProperty(), AcopUserComponent.LinkAddress, and AcopUserComponent.LinkProperty.

◆ Detach() [2/5]

int Detach ( String  Address,
String  Property,
object  DataOut,
object  DataIn 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
DataOutThe output data object
DataInThe input data object
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Detach() [3/5]

int Detach ( String  Protocol,
String  Address,
String  Property 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

ProtocolControl system protocol
AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Detach() [4/5]

int Detach ( String  Address,
String  Property 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Detach() [5/5]

int Detach ( )

Detaches all links attached to the acop control.

0 upon success or -1 on error

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Execute() [1/5]

int Execute ( )

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object

0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.DefaultMonitorInterval, and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ Execute() [2/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

◆ Execute() [3/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ Execute() [4/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

◆ Execute() [5/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ GetColorList()

Color [] GetColorList ( )

Gets the current color list as an array of colors

the current color list as an array of colors

◆ GetDataTag()

int GetDataTag ( )

Gets the last data tag (if any) associated with the output data.

The last data tag (if any) associated with the output data.

References Link.GetDataTag().

◆ GetFlags()

int GetFlags ( String  flags)

Gets the integer flag representation of the input flags string

the integer flag representation of the input flags string

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Attach(), AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ GetLink()

Link GetLink ( )

Returns the currently bound transport Link

the currently bound transport Link or null if no Link is attached

◆ GetLinkOutput()

object GetLinkOutput ( )

Returns the output data object bound to the default transport link

the output data object bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputDataObject().

◆ GetLinkOutputChannelNames()

String [] GetLinkOutputChannelNames ( )

Returns a list of discovered channel names for the data bound to the default transport link (In case the transport link is bound to a multi-channel array).

a list of discovered channel names for the data bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputChannelNames().

◆ GetLinkOutputXAxis()

double [] GetLinkOutputXAxis ( )

Returns the appropriate X-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart)

the appropriate X-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputXAxis().

◆ GetLinkOutputYAxis()

double [] GetLinkOutputYAxis ( )

Returns the appropriate Y-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart)

the appropriate Y-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputYAxis().

◆ GetOutputCompletionLength()

int GetOutputCompletionLength ( )

Gets the last delivered link output completion length.

The last delivered link output completion length.

References Link.GetOutputCompletionLength().

◆ GetOutputDataObject() [1/2]

object GetOutputDataObject ( )

Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address

the output data object appropriate to the current link address

◆ GetOutputDataObject() [2/2]

object GetOutputDataObject ( int  instance)

Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address and given overload preference

instancethe desired overload
the output data object appropriate to the current link address

◆ GetStatus()

int GetStatus ( )

Gets the current link status as an integer value

The current link status as an integer value

References Link.GetStatus().

◆ GetStatusString()

String GetStatusString ( )

Gets the current transport link status as a string

The current transport link status as a string

References Link.GetStatusString().

◆ GetTimeStamp()

double GetTimeStamp ( )

Get the last link timestamp (as a UTC double).

The last link timestamp (as a UTC double).

References Link.GetTimeStamp().

◆ getUtcNow()

static double getUtcNow ( )

Returns the current UTC time (seconds since 1970) as a double (with fractional seconds).

the current UTC time (seconds since 1970) as a double (with fractional seconds)

Referenced by AcopChart.GetTrendPoints(), and AcopTable.GetTrendPoints().

◆ IsAttached()

Boolean IsAttached ( )

Gives the current link attached status based on the Link parameters

'true' if the component is attached to its link parameters

◆ LinkUpdateInvoker()

void LinkUpdateInvoker ( acopUpdate  updater,
object  sender,
Link  lnk 

An invoker helper for cases where InvokeRequired is needed

updateris the delegate to invoke
senderis the sender object
lnkis the Link object

◆ Reassign()

int Reassign ( String  Address,
String  Property 

Reassigns the current bound default link to the address parameters given.

Addressthe desired new target link address
Propertythe desired new target link property
a positive link handle to the new link upon success, otherwise -1.

References AcopUserComponent.Attach(), AcopChart.ClearScreen(), AcopChart.ForegroundColor, AcopChart.GetPlotMode(), TraceChart.IsTrace, AcopChart.PlotMode, AcopUserComponent.ReassignList(), AcopTable.ResetInput(), AcopTable.ShowInputColumn, and AcopChart.TraceSettings.

◆ ReassignList()

int ReassignList ( String  newGroupList,
String  newAddr,
String  newPrp 

Reassigns the currently bound grouped links to those in the group list given

The new group list must have the same number of links as the list it is to replace, else an "Invalid Length" exception is thrown.

newGroupListis the ';' separated list of grouped link addresses
newAddris the new assigned LinkAddress
newPrpis the new assigned LinkProperty
0 upon success

References AcopUserComponent.LinkAddress, AcopUserComponent.LinkProperty, and AcopTable.ResetInput().

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Reassign().

◆ Reset() [1/2]

void Reset ( )

Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link.

Referenced by AcopUtils.ResetAcopLinks().

◆ Reset() [2/2]

void Reset ( Boolean  allLinks)

Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link.

allLinksif 'true' then all bound links are examined.

References AcopChart.ClearScreen(), AcopChart.ForegroundColor, AcopChart.GetPlotMode(), TraceChart.IsTrace, AcopChart.PlotMode, and AcopChart.TraceSettings.

◆ SingleUpdate()

int SingleUpdate ( )

Applies a single link update to the acop user component if the component is not already in a monitoring state.

0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.acopLinkError, AcopUserComponent.acopLinkUpdate, AcopUserComponent.DefaultMonitorInterval, AcopUserComponent.Execute(), AcopUserComponent.GetFlags(), Link.GetOutputDataObject(), and Link.GetStatus().

Property Documentation

◆ AcopReferenceObject

object AcopReferenceObject

An optional assigned object associated with this Acop control ...

◆ ApplyAcopLinkUpdateAfterAutoUpdate

Boolean ApplyAcopLinkUpdateAfterAutoUpdate

Determines the firing order of a user-defined acopLinkUpdate delegate

◆ ApplyEventOrder

ApplyEventSettingType ApplyEventOrder

Determines the firing order of a user-defined acopApply delegate

◆ ApplyLocation

UnitsLocation ApplyLocation

the prefered location to apply units (default = description)

◆ AutoLinkAttach

bool AutoLinkAttach

if set to true, instructs ACOP to automatically monitor the data provided by LinkAddress and LinkProperty

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ AutoLinkCapacity

int AutoLinkCapacity

if non-zero, provides the requested data size to use when AutoLinkUpdate is set to true

◆ AutoLinkUpdate

bool AutoLinkUpdate

if set to true, instructs ACOP to update this component's contents upon receipt of new link data (provided no user-defined event handle is in play)

◆ CheckBoxText

String CheckBoxText

specifies the checkbox description

◆ CheckedStateText

String CheckedStateText

The dialog text to display for the checked state

◆ CloseLinkOnMinimized

Boolean CloseLinkOnMinimized

If true the Link will be closed if the form is minimized

◆ DefaultMonitorInterval

int DefaultMonitorInterval

The default monitoring interval in msec

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Attach(), AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ DeSelectedValue

double DeSelectedValue

The set value when un-checked

◆ DeviceText

String DeviceText

The dialog text to display for the device item (empty => LinkDevice)"

◆ LinkAddress

String LinkAddress

Identifies the transport link target. The target end point is given by the LinkAddress and the LinkProperty.

Referenced by AcopSlider.applySliderSetting(), AcopUserComponent.Detach(), and AcopUserComponent.ReassignList().

◆ LinkContext

String LinkContext

The design-time browseable link context (part of the link address)

◆ LinkDevice

String LinkDevice

The design-time browseable/editable link device (part of the link address)

◆ LinkFlags

String LinkFlags

An optional design-time browseable flags set which can be applied to the underlying link

◆ LinkInputValue

String LinkInputValue

optional value to use as input for automatic links

◆ LinkList

String LinkList

A design-time list of targeted links. If there is more than one target then 'LinkGrouped' is automatically set to 'true'

◆ LinkProperty

String LinkProperty

The design-time browseable/editable link property (suppliments the link address)"

Referenced by AcopSlider.applySliderSetting(), AcopUserComponent.Detach(), and AcopUserComponent.ReassignList().

◆ LinkProtocol

String LinkProtocol

The link control system protocol

Referenced by AcopSlider.applySliderSetting().

◆ LinkServer

String LinkServer

The design-time browseable link server (part of the link address)

◆ LinkSubSystem

String LinkSubSystem

The design-time browseable link subsystem

◆ SelectedValue

double SelectedValue

The set value when checked

◆ ShowCheckDialog

Boolean ShowCheckDialog

"If 'true' then a message box with an option to cancel will appear prior to applying any changes"

◆ ToggleBit

int ToggleBit

Bit to be toggled in integer readback or -1 for no selected bit. If a bit is selected then SelectedValue and DeSelectedValue will be ignored.

◆ ToolTipText

String ToolTipText

if non-empty then the string provided will be used as component's tool tip text; if 'none' then no tool tip text; else the associated link address

◆ UncheckedStateText

String UncheckedStateText

The dialog text to display for the un-checked state

Event Documentation

◆ acopApply

acopApplySetting acopApply

Occurs when the control attempts to apply the setting shown to the link address

◆ acopLinkError

acopError acopLinkError

Occurs when the underlying monitored link enters an error state (via acopApply or acopLinkUpdate)

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ acopLinkUpdate

acopUpdate acopLinkUpdate

Occurs when the underlying monitored link has updated its data

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ acopReset

acopResetSetting acopReset

Occurs when the control attempts to reset the setting shown to the link address

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