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Uses of Interface

Packages that use PopupManageable
com.cosylab.gui.displayers A package containing framework for building displayer components. 

Uses of PopupManageable in com.cosylab.gui

Classes in com.cosylab.gui that implement PopupManageable
 class ButtonController
          Button that sets desired value on consumer when pressed.
 class CharacteristicsMapPanel
          CharacteristicsMapPanel ...
 class CheckBoxController
          CheckBox for displaying and switching double properties between two values.
 class DialKnobDisplayer
          DialKnob implemented as Displayer.
 class DoubleNumberDisplayer
          DoubleNumberDisplayer is simple implementation of DoubleDisplayer interface based on LabelledNumberfield.
 class GaugerDisplayer
          Gauger displayer.
 class IconDisplayer
          IconDisplayer is a displayer that displays icons associated with different values.
 class LabelDisplayer
          A displayer GUI widget that can uniformly display changable string value.
 class SliderDisplayer
          Displays value on editable slider.
 class SliderDisplayerSetter
 class WheelswitchDisplayer
          WheelswitchDisplayer is simple implementation of Displayer interface based on LabelledWheelswitch.

Uses of PopupManageable in com.cosylab.gui.components

Subinterfaces of PopupManageable in com.cosylab.gui.components
 interface SimpleDisplayer
          SimpleDisplayer interface defines some usefull features, that should have all GUI widget, that wants to colaborate with Abeans framework.

Classes in com.cosylab.gui.components that implement PopupManageable
 class AbstractDisplayerPanel
          A container for simple displayers is able to display a small dispalyer component together with an optional title in a vertical or horizontal resizable layout.
 class AbstractNumericDisplayerPanel
          An extension of AbstractDisplayerPanel used for numerical displayers.
 class DialKnob
          A visual component for displaying and manipulating a double ranged value.
 class Gauger
          Gauger is a visual component that displays a value on a scale between minimum and maximum.
 class LabelledGauger
          LabelledGauger is an extension of AbstractDisplayerPanel which provides Gauger as the numerical value displayer.
 class LabelledLedder
          LabelledLedder ...
 class LabelledNumberField
          LabelledNumberField is extended NumberField with title label and units label.
 class LabelledWheelswitch
          LabelledWheelswitch is extended Wheelswitch with title label and unit label in same style.
 class Piper
          A visual component for displaying numerical (double) values using a liquid partially filled vertical tube visualisation.
 class SimpleTimeSelector
          Class specialized for entering the time.
 class Slider
          Slider is a GUI component for displaying double value.
 class Wheelswitch
          Descedant of javax.swing.JPanel that contains a row of digits and optionally a two way up-down buttons.

Uses of PopupManageable in com.cosylab.gui.displayers

Subinterfaces of PopupManageable in com.cosylab.gui.displayers
 interface CommonDisplayer
          CommonDisplayer defines interface common to multiple and single displayers.
 interface ConvertibleDisplayer
          ConvertibleDisplayer enables usage of Converters.
 interface Displayer
          Displayer interface describes GUI component, which is able to dispaly on screen single dynamic data source.
 interface DoubleDisplayer
          A specialization of the Displayer interface for Java primitive type double.
 interface DoubleSeqDisplayer
          A specialization of the Displayer interface for Java primitive type double[].
 interface EnumDisplayer
          A specialization of Displayer interface for enumerations.
 interface IconDisplayer
          IconDisplayer can display long values (similar to LongDisplayer) but instead of showing the number value it shows different icons for each of the received values.
 interface LongDisplayer
          A specialization of Displayer interface for Java primitive type long.
 interface MultipleDisplayer
          MultipleDisplayer interface describes GUI component, which is able to dispaly on screen single dynamic data source.
 interface ObjectDisplayer
          A specialization of the Displayer interface for Object Java type.
 interface PatternDisplayer
          A specialization of Displayer interface for patterns.
 interface StringDisplayer
          A specialization of the Displayer interface for String Java type.

Uses of PopupManageable in de.desy.acop.chart

Classes in de.desy.acop.chart that implement PopupManageable
 class Acop

Uses of PopupManageable in de.desy.acop.displayers

Classes in de.desy.acop.displayers that implement PopupManageable
 class AcopButton
          AcopButton is a displayer that sets desired value on remote connection point when pressed.
 class AcopChart
          AcopChart is an extension of Acop which enables the use of ConnectionParameters and can connect to a remote property.
 class AcopChartReorg
          AcopChartReorg is a wrapper for Acop which can present multiple graphs and allows setting of the most common Acop properties.
 class AcopCheckBox
          AcopCheckBox is a displayer for displaying and switching between two double values.
 class AcopDialKnob
          AcopDialKnob is a single double value displayer.
 class AcopGauger
          AcopGauger is a single double value AcopDisplayer.
 class AcopIcon
          AcopIcon is a displayer which can show imageable value.
 class AcopLabel
          AcopLabel is an AcopDisplayer which can show string or number values.
 class AcopNumberLabel
          AcopNumberLabel is a displayer which can show a single double value.
 class AcopSlider
          AcopSlider is a displayer which can show a single double value.
 class AcopTable
          AcopTable is a MultipleAcopDisplayer which is inteded to show values of multi-channel arrays or spectrum arrays.
 class AcopTrendChart
          AcopTrendChart is a wrapper for the Acop which can show multiple trends in a single chart.
 class AcopWheelswitch
          AcopWheelswitch is a displayer which can present a single double value.

Uses of PopupManageable in

Subinterfaces of PopupManageable in
 interface AcopDisplayer
          AcopDisplayerConnector should be implemented by all Acop single displayers.
 interface MultipleAcopDisplayer<T extends AcopDisplayerParameters>
          AcopMultipleDisplayer should be implemented by those displayers that connects to multiple data sources.

Uses of PopupManageable in

Classes in that implement PopupManageable
 class AcopVideo
          AcopVideo is a an AcopBean which can display a video image.

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