Build Instructions

ACOP Beans library

To build the acopbeans library one needs only access the desy SVN and a proper java IDE tool (eclipse is preferred; the instructions below are written for eclipse).

  1. Check out the AcopChart project from the svn:
  2. In the file src/changes/changes.xml add a new release version describing the changes in the newest jar.
  3. If any of the acop beans was changed, you have to modify the manifest file (increase the version number). The manifest file is located in src/main/resource/META-INF.
  4. Use the acopbeans.jardesc to create a jar file. If you project name is different than ACOP-reorganized you will also have to modify this file to provide the proper path to your sources.
  5. Make a SVN tag using the following syntax: YYYYMMDD-HHmm-ver. e.g. if I made the tag on 24th November 2009 at 10:47, I would write: 20091124-1047-2.2.0.
  6. Distribute the jar to the users.

Tine Diagnostic Applications

To build tine applications distribution one needs access to SVN, a proper java IDE tool (eclipse if preferred) and ant installed on the local machine. If you don't have ant installed, you can get it here. Unpack the content of the downloaded archive file than at its bin folder to you path and add a user variable called JAVA_HOME, which points to where your java is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17).

  1. Check out the TineApplications project from the svn:
  2. Refresh and build the project in the IDE.
  3. Open the build.xml file and set the proper version number.
  4. Open the command line tool and cd to the root folder of your TineApplications proejct in the workspace.
  5. Execute ant task export by using the command ant export.
  6. Make a SVN tag using the same syntax as described above.
  7. Distribute the generated zip (located in the project root) to the users.