FEC Remote Control



FEC Remote Control is a control panel which allows monitoring of FECs and device servers, providing various data associated with them.

The application lists all FECs/Device Servers in a table. When selecting each of the items in a table a detailed information about that particular server is presented in various tables and boxes on the right side of the screen. The application also allows monitoring of processes on each particular server.


FEC Remote Control can be started by running the java class:


This will a start a plain FECRemoteControl with the first available context selected.

Run the Fec Remote Control with Java Webstart (only accessible from DESY internal network).

Start-up parameters

FEC Remote Control supports all parameters listed in the commons features section. The highest supported debug level is 2. In addition it also supports the following parameters.

The list of start-up parameter tags
  • frc.machine - the name of the context that will be selected (if it exists)

    Example: we want to start the fec remote control with selected context DESY2.

    java -Dfrc.machine=DESY2
         -cp [classpath] de.desy.tine.apps.FECRemoteControl