Multi-Channel Analyzer

Multi-Channel Analyzer


Multi-Channel Analyzer is used to display multi-channel arrays. By functionality is very similar to the Archive Viewer, but it is primarily intended to monitor multi-channel arrays, which have to be predefined by certain TINE configurations.

The application can run in two different modes: live and history. In history one can inspect the history of the particular multi-channel, while in the live mode the live data is acquired with 2 seconds polling rate and appended to the trend lines of the overview channels as well as the multi-array histogram is updated accordingly.


Multi-Channel Analyzer can be started by running the java class:


This will start a plain Multi-Channel Analyzer, with the first available machine, system and configuration selected.

Run the Multi-Channel Analyzer with Java Webstart (only accessible from DESY internal network).

Start-up parameters

Multi-Channel Analyzer supports all parameters listed in the common features section and also supports several specific parameters:

The list of start-up parameters tags
  • mca.machine - the name of the context that will be selected (if it exists)
  • mca.subsystem - the name of the subsystem that will be selected (if it exists and if in sub mode)
  • mca.configuration - the name of the configuration that will be selected (if it exists for the selected machine) The name of the configuration can have several spaces in the name. In this case the provided name has to be given in quotation marks (eg. mca.configuration="Spaced Configuration").

    Example: we want to start the multi channel analyzer with selected context DORIS. We will use system parameters:

    java -Dmca.machine=DORIS 
         -cp [classpath] de.desy.tine.apps.MultiChannelAnalyzer